Central idea, LOIs, Summative Assessment

Central idea: Change can be achieved by taking action on local and global issues

Key concepts:

  • Connection, reflection, perspective
Related concepts:
  •  Inspiration
Lines of inquiry:
  • Local and global issues affecting communities
  • The work others have done and are doing to make a difference.
  • Why individuals choose to make a difference

Guiding Questions:

  • What are the Local and Global issues?
  • What does it mean to Make a difference?
  • How do individuals make a difference?


HUM.EE.5.2 2.  assess the accuracy, validity and possible bias of sources.

HUM.IC.5.4 4.  identify examples of issues (local and global) and identify the causes and consequences of them.

HUM.IC.5.5 5.  explain how humans can have positive effects on local and other environments.

HUM.IC.5.6 6.  reflect on the ways in which the work of others can inspire us to take action.

HUM.KP.5.4 4.  comment on the reliability of sources.

HUM.SP.5.5 5.  explain how groups and institutions meet individual needs and achieve common goals.

HUM.GU.5.3 3.  access a range of first- and second-hand sources of information from various places and/or points in history.

LAA.LS.5.1 1.  infer meanings, draw conclusions about and evaluate oral texts.