How we organize ourselves reflection 2013

Central Idea:
There will be no over-arching central idea for next year’s Exhibition. There will be individual ones.

Focus on the issue AND the teamwork good. What if there was an over-arching CI, which was assessed by the teachers and individual CI for each group that the students assess themselves on. Could be student generated rubrics for this.

Graphic images – not great for the little kids. Watch the appropriateness of them. Cover up images if needed.

Focus was more on money this year instead of advocating. Steer away from this possibly. Be more explicit about what is ok and what is not. Give challenges about how many people they can raise awareness with.

No donation boxes at all, especially on Exhibition day/night.

Skills introduced earlier – cutting and pasting, project where they put a smaller version together.

Researching using the form from the beginning of the year.

Bibliographies taught early.

Turn the research into a formal paper as they are doing it. Therefore they can be assessed and can be given feedback for their project.

ED talks great and speaking clearly.

Presenting having a format – Ryan developed one this year.

Hold the students accountable more for the timelines.

Monday – June 3

Before Schools starts: –

  • Check your e-mail
  • Check your calendar
  • Check your ‘To Do’ list
  • Check your Home learning
  • Back up your computer  (1-5)



  1. Remember – you do not have your regular PE lessons this week
  2. Ask your Specials teachers when your last class with them is. Remember to thank your Specials teachers for all their hard work when you see them for the last time!
  3. Click HERE for this week’s calendar for special events


Period 1- Training for Sports day

Training for Sports Day in Founders’ Theater – led by Mr. Bathgate.

Period 2 – Swim party

5F and 5B Swim party

Period 3 –

  1. FINISH YOUR AUTOBIOGRAPHIES!! I need a printed copy of your work by the end of today. You will keep working on this today until you have finished it.
  2. Everyone else will continue with ‘Mr. Jones’ cereal box problem’.


Period 4 – Specials


Period 5 – See period 3


Period 6 – Specials

Performing Arts

Period 7 – See period 3

Period 8 – See period 3


Home learning

Do a 25 minute physical activity, like a bike ride, skating, roller-blading, jogging, swimming….

Who do you think painted this painting? See if you can find out!

Notices for next week (June 3-7)

Dear all,

Here is a list of extra things that are happening next week…. so busy!

Remember that you will not have regular PE classes next week.

Also, please remember to thank your Specialist and Language teachers, as next week may well be the last time you see them as your teachers!

  • P1 = 8:40 – 9:20
  • P2 = 9:20 – 10:00
  • P3 = 10:00 – 10:40
  • P4 = 11:00 – 11:40
  • P5 = 11:40 – 12:20
  • P6 = 1:20 – 2:00
  • P7 = 2:00 – 2:40
  • P8 = 2:40 – 3:20

P1 – Training for Sport’s Day in founder’s theater – led by Mr. Bathgate.
P2 – 5F and 5B Swim party – Make sure you bring your swim things !
P3 – 5L, 5M and 5J Swim Party

P1: Leaver’s assembly in Founder’s theater
P2 and P3 – Celebration Assembly rehearsal in Founder’s Theater

9:00 – 10:40 – Helping with KG/G1 Sport’s Day – 5F, 5B, 5J
11:00 – 12:20 – Helping with G2/G3 Sport’s Day – 5B, 5L, 5M
P6 – Mr C coming in to talk us about cleaning computers before turning them in

Sports Day for all Grade 5 classes – 9 – 10:40
P4 and P5 Class Parties

P4 and P5 – Celebration Assembly
Lunch in Chinese Garden
P7 and P8 –  G5 vs. Teachers Capture the Flag


Friday – May 31

Before school starts

  • Check your e-mail
  • Check your calendar
  • Check your ‘To Do’ list
  • Back up your laptops! (#21-23, and any who may have been absent and missed their time this week)



  • ROSA-Lip-Sync assembly (Go Ori, Daniel Lee, and Swaan!)


Period 1 – Language Arts


Autobio title page – include a photo of you!

Period 2

Getting ready for buddy class – conflict resolution

Period 3

Prepare for buddy class – socializing

Period 4 – till 11:30

Setting up a personal Inquiry – be CLEAR

Period 5 – Assembly  – ROSA and Lip-Sync


Period 6-

Personal inquiry – central idea

Period 7- Buddy class

Practicing Social Skills part 2 – calling each other names

Period 8

Free time




Wednesday – May 29

Before School Starts

  • Check your e-mail
  • Check your calendar
  • Check your ‘To Do’ list
  • Check your Home learning
  • Back up your laptops – #11-15


  • Olympic Dream Series medal ceremony – 12:50 – ES Gym
  • A normal day for us!


Period 1-

Autobiography- now that you have seen how they can be, is there anything you can do to improve yours?

Period 2 –

Pick a genre – It’s now time to see if you can become totally engrossed in writing about something YOU like.

  • Pick a genre. You can write something non-fiction.
  • Write a piece of writing, as long as you like, about what you want
  • Follow the writing process
  • Ask your class mates for their input and suggestions.
  • Only show me the FINAL completely edited piece.

CAN YOU DO THIS? Can you be completely responsible for your piece of creative writing?

Period 3 – Math

Devise 12 questions that will help someone else review the math work we have done in G5 in maths. We will put them all together and make a massive quiz!


Period 4 – Specials 

Visual Arts

Period 5 – Specials

Visual Arts


Period 6

Google quest

Period 7

Google quest

Period 8 – Specials



Home learning

Read for 25 minutes

Tuesday – May 28

Before school starts

  • Check your e-mail
  • Check your calendar
  • Check your ‘To Do’ list
  • Check your Home learning
  • Back up your computer  (6-10)



  • Your G5 Blue T-shirts Are to be worn on the G5 Graduation assembly – make sure they are clean, ready and undamaged!
  • Bring ALL books back to the library by Friday May 31
  • We go over to the MS school today for the last two periods
  • Any more G5/6 Social forms?!
  • Look at the e-mail that is called ‘PE News’


Period 1 – Language Arts


Period 2 – Language Arts


Period 3 –

Google quest


Period 4 – PE


Period 5

Performing Arts


Period 6 – 

Period 7 & 8 – MS Transition

HPE Connections

5F’s G6 buddy class is 6.1. You will follow them around for the rest of the afternoon. You will take your back packs and leave tog o home straight from the MS, so take everything you need to take home with you.


Home learning

Draw a picture of a busy beach, full of people doing fun things.


‘Sail boat regatta’ – Gregory Christeas



Monday – May 27

Before Schools starts: –

  • Check your e-mail
  • Check your calendar
  • Check your ‘To Do’ list
  • Check your Home learning
  • Back up your computer  (1-5)



  1. Transition week begins today! This week is going to be a little different in routine, as you will be spending some time in the Middle school to see how their timetable works.


Period 1- Language Arts

Continue your work on your autobiography – you all now need to add the G5 camp experience as your last entry! Please remember that this will be used as the writing sample that will go up to G6 with you, so make it the best piece of work you have ever done! Show your mastery of the English Language as far as you can.

Period 2 –

Camp – Make a blog post that tells about the Survivor Island camp experience.

Include the following points at least:

  1. Three highlights from the three days
  2. One thing that was not your favourite thing
  3. One thing that you learned about yourself
  4. One thing that you learned about someone else

Period 3 –

Transition talk – what’s happening this week?


Period 4 – Specials



11:30 MS lunch begins. We will join the Middle School for lunch so make sure your card has money on it if you need to buy anything. If you bring your own lunch that’s great… you can eat that at this time no problem.

You will then go back to the ES for 12:20 for …. yes you guessed it…. Lunch! You lucky G5’s get a huge long lunch today!



Go straight to the Founders’ Theater from your super long lunch for an assembly led by the Middle School staff.

Period 7


Period 8 – Specials



Home learning

Think of three questions you would like to ask your G6 buddy class tomorrow when we go over to the MS for the afternoon.

 ‘Rain’ – Marc Chagall






Talex Computer Programming Challenge

Calling all Talex Computer Programmers!

Are you ready for the greatest programming challenge yet? A chance to battle other Grade 5 Talex Programmers to be crowned the 2013 Programming Champion? Then read on.


  • Anyone from Grade 5 may enter
  • For each challenge, competitors must recreate the program they see in the challenge’s video.
  • When complete, they email their completed program to Mr T ( who will check it is correct.
  • Mr T will then email the link and password for the next challenge back to the competitors.
  • The challenges use only the programming commands you learned in Talex Computer Programming this year. If you would like to revise them, the lessons can be found here.
  • Whoever successfully completes the most challenges by Friday 31 May Tuesday 4th June wins the League Cup.
  • All those who compete have the opportunity to face off for the Championship Trophy on Wednesday 5th June.
  • Mr T’s decision is final.
  • The winners of the Cup and Trophy will be presented with their prize at the Grade 5 Celebration Assembly on June 7th.
If you want to compete, you can find the first challenge here (and yes I know it says Challenge 2. Consider entering the competition as your first challenge!) . The password: triangle

Good luck and happy programming!

Tuesday – May 21

Before school starts

  • Check your e-mail
  • Check your calendar
  • Check your ‘To Do’ list
  • Check your Home learning
  • Back up your computer  (6-10)



  • Last Library check out day – Friday May 24
  • Bring ALL books back to the library by Friday May 31


Period 1 – Language Arts


Period 2 – Language Arts

Notes on editing an autobiography

Autobiographies – let’s have a minimum of 1,000 words from everyone except for a few certain ones who have permission to write less. Go back and fill in details, and when you edit think of your ‘voice‘. Is your autobiography a bullet point list of things that happened that anyone could have written? What can you do to make it personalized?

Period 3 –

Camp tribes final list with Tribe Leaders

Camp room allocations

Talk – about getting along in our rooms and working with people we do not know. Let us not continue the culture of exclusion or belittlement.

‘The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.’ – Edmund Burke.

Do you dare to be different?

Let us ‘Connect.Inspire. Challenge. Make a difference!’


Period 4 – PE


Period 5

Performing Arts


Period 6 – Math

Let’s have some fun! Let’s learn about binary codes and systems! We have to review base ten first though and our decimal system. Ready?!

Binary Numbers in 60 Seconds (Low )

Period 7 – Math

Let’s play with binary numbers!

Period 8 – Specials



Home learning


 ‘The Lady of Shalott’ – John William Waterhouse


What is an anecdote

An anecdote is a brief story about something interesting or funny in a person’s life.

It could be written like this: –

When I was a child I loved books, and I could never understand why people didn’t like reading.

Or it could be written like this: –

I have always loved books. I remember getting into trouble so many times as a child, because my Mum would turn off the bedroom light and tell me to go to sleep, and as soon as she had closed the door and gone downstairs, I would tip-toe out of bed and turn the light back on so I could read a little bit more.

It never occurred to me that people might feel differently about books and reading, until one day we were going somewhere on a bus, and I happened to overhear a conversation between two lovely ladies.

  • First Woman: “I don’t know what to get Fred for his birthday.”
  • Second Woman: “Why don’t you get him a book?”
  • First Woman: (after a moment’s thought) “Nah, he’s already got a book.”

Even my Mum laughed at that!