Grade 5 Revision

IF SOME OF THE LINKS DO NOT WORK PROPERLY, TRY OPENING THEM IN SAFARI – not all of them work well in Firefox, especially the ‘generates a new practice sheet every time’ links.


Below are some check up assessments for first and second half:

Grade 5 Revision Practice Resources (collated from unit pages)

Below are some practice sheets and online resources to help practice/revise the skills we have covered in Grade 5 this year:
Factors and multiples
Mean, median and mode
Measurement – Converting units
Finding Percentages
Addition and subtraction of fractions
Multiplying fractions
Converting mixed fractions to improper fractions
Adding and subtracting mixed fractions/numbers
Addition of whole numbers
Addition of decimal numbers
Subtraction of whole numbers
Subtraction of decimals numbers
Multiplication of whole numbers

Multiplication of decimal numbers

Division of whole numbers
Division of decimal numbers
tags; timetables, times tables, timestables

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