
Central idea:

The chance of something happening can be described through everyday language or expressed numerically.

Key Concepts:

Form, Function, Connection, 

Lines of inquiry:

  •  The language used to describe probability
  • How we determine probability and use it to make predictions.
  • How the expression of probability is connected to fractions, decimals and percentages.

Teacher questions:
  • What is the language of probability? (form)
  • How do we use numbers to assign and predict uncertainty? (function)
  • How is probability connected to fractions, decimals and percentages? (connection)
  • What is the connection between experimental and theoretical probability? (connection)

Learning outcomes:
  • LO1. Use the language of probability and numbers to assign and predict outcomes in everyday life and in experiments involving more than one variable. (P = predict probability by writing out all possible outcomes, HP = predict theoretic outcome using formula)


  • MAT.DH.5.3: 3.  investigate how probability can be expressed in scale (0–1) or per cent (0%–100%).
  • MAT.DH.5.4: 4.  explain the difference between experimental and theoretical probability.
  • MAT.DH.5.7: 7.  express probabilities using scale (0–1) or per cent (0%–100%).

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