Data Handling

Central idea:

Data allows us to summarise what we know about the world and make inferences about what we do not know.

Key Concepts:

Function, Causation and Reflection

Lines of inquiry:

  • The methods used to collect, record and organise data
  • The reasons for collecting data.
  • How we know what the data is describing.
Teacher questions:
  • How do we collect, record and organise data? (function)
  • Why do we collect data? (causation)
  • How do we interpret the data? (reflection)
Learning outcomes:
  • LO1. Design a survey and systematically collect, record, organise and display the data in bar graphs and line graphs.
  • P – as above;
  • HP – find the answer to a question(for example Do we really shrink during the day? What happens to the class temperature during the day?) through a statistical analysis using the above skills and interpretation
For more information about this unit click on the links below:


  • MAT.DH.5.8: 8.  design a survey and systematically collect, organize, display and interpret data in an appropriate graph form.
  • MAT.DH.5.2: 2.  investigate the special purposes of different kinds of graphs.
  • MAT.DH.5.6: 6.  set up a spreadsheet using simple formulas to manipulate data and to create graphs.
  • MAT.DH.5.1: 1.  investigate mean, median, mode and range.

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