How we organize ourselves reflection 2013

Central Idea:
There will be no over-arching central idea for next year’s Exhibition. There will be individual ones.

Focus on the issue AND the teamwork good. What if there was an over-arching CI, which was assessed by the teachers and individual CI for each group that the students assess themselves on. Could be student generated rubrics for this.

Graphic images – not great for the little kids. Watch the appropriateness of them. Cover up images if needed.

Focus was more on money this year instead of advocating. Steer away from this possibly. Be more explicit about what is ok and what is not. Give challenges about how many people they can raise awareness with.

No donation boxes at all, especially on Exhibition day/night.

Skills introduced earlier – cutting and pasting, project where they put a smaller version together.

Researching using the form from the beginning of the year.

Bibliographies taught early.

Turn the research into a formal paper as they are doing it. Therefore they can be assessed and can be given feedback for their project.

ED talks great and speaking clearly.

Presenting having a format – Ryan developed one this year.

Hold the students accountable more for the timelines.

How to write a letter or e-mail – intro

At some point you will have to write a letter or e-mail to someone you do not know, or someone of importance (e.g. a teacher, or a person who leads a group or organization).

The way you write these letters and messages is very different to how you would write one to a friend or class mate, or maybe someone you write to often.

Here are some helpful hints to remind you how to go about this: –

  1. Remember – these letters and messages are different to instant messaging! Usually you need to write more then a couple of words or sentences.
  2. There are certain ways in which to begin these letters (salutation – do you know what this means?)
  3. There is always a respectful ‘tone’ in these messages and letters (especially if you might need to ask questions or for something in particular)
  4. There are certain ways to end these messages and letters

You will probably need to write to an organization and your mentor during the Exhibition process. Jump to here for a post on practicing these skills.

Use one of these addresses to write your pretend e-mail to.