5F’s Essential Agreements 2012 – 2013

 5F agreed to : –

Respect Yourself

Try your hardest when you are doing your work
Walk sensibly in the hallway
Try to work neatly
Be a risk taker when trying out new things
Think before you do something
Be safe
Be responsible for your things
Follow instructions

Respect Others

Treat others the way you want to be treated
Listen to others when they are talking
Respect the people around you
Be principled to each other
When you get partnered with someone, be sensible about it
Respect other people’s ideas
Help others when help is needed
Try to be on time when the bells ring
Speak with respect

Respect the Environment

Clean up after yourself
Recycle paper
Be gentle with books
Treat your computer with respect
Conserve energy
Take care of the school’s property

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