Last day of G5….

To all of my lovely students who are leaving Elementary School forever: –

You have been a joy to have in the class. On the days when things are not going great, I will think back to this year and you guys and smile, and that will make everything alright again. You have made this year one I will always remember.

Take with you all the skills you have learned this year, and use them even when you are adults. Keep in touch with each other, as the friendships you have made this year (both in class and the rest of G5) are an important part of you now, and these friends will help you when things are not so perfect. I hope you can count me among those friends.

All my best wishes for your future, no matter where your path takes you. I wish all that you would wish for yourselves.

Toni Favilli


Monday – June 10


  • Report cards go home today!
  • Let’s hope the weather is good today!


Period 1

WAB TV – Final episode

We are going to watch a short 5 minute movie about the Universe, and we are going to have a discussion about it and its implications. (The Hubble telescope)

Period 2

Cleaning out your lockers and do a final check of what you need to take home or throw away.

Period 3

Helping Ms Favilli with packing up the classroom.


Period 4 – 5

ES Assembly 11.15 – 12.20


Period 6

Final packing up and tidying

Period 7 & 8

Weather and pollution permitting, there will be the rescheduled G5 ‘Capture the Flag’ game. Unfortunately, because the other members of staff who wanted to play in this game cannot get the time off to come and play due to teaching commitments, it will be a massive student game only.

If the weather an pollution do not permit, you will have PE period 8.


Friday – June 7


Weather permitting today will be full events!


Period 1 

Finish signing your books, and collection of e-mails

Period 2

Class clean up

Period 3

Class clean up


Period 4 & 5 – G5 Celebration Assembly

Right after snack we will go down to the Theatre and sit in our appropriate places. We will wait for parents and others who are joining us today to find a seat. We will begin at 11:15.

The Assembly will finish at 12:20.

There will be lunch provided in the Chinese Garden for the G5 students and their families.


Period 6-

In class

Period 7 & 8

Staff – v – students Capture the Flag


Thursday – June 6


  • I hope you brought a change of clothes again today! it is OUR sports day!
  • We will have our class party today also!
  • TOMORROW – wear your blue T-shirt we gave for going to Camp!
  • We will begin the Assembly at 11:15. Everyone should be in the Founders’ Theatre by then.
  • We will have a special Lunch in the Chinese Garden afterwards. Your and your families are invited!
  • Also remember to bring an empty bag for whatever you want to take home with you from your lockers and drawers.


Period 1, 2, 3

Sports day


Period 4 & 5

Class party


Period 6

In class

Period 7 – Specials


Period 8 – Specials



Home Learning

Learn every single word in the English Language for Friday


Before School Starts

  • Check your e-mail
  • Check your calendar
  • Check your ‘To Do’ list
  • Check your Home learning
  • Back up your laptops – #11-15




Period 1, 2 & 3 – KG – 1 Tabloid Fun Day!

We are helping with this for the first three periods. I hope you remembered to bring a complete, dry change of clothes!


Period 4 – Specials 

Visual Arts

Period 5 – Specials

Visual Arts


Period 6

Mr. Jones’ Problem

Period 7

Mr. Jones’ Problem

Period 8 – Specials



Home learning


Tuesday – June 4

Before school starts

  • Check your e-mail
  • Check your calendar
  • Check your ‘To Do’ list
  • Check your Home learning
  • Back up your computer  (6-10)



  1. Remember – you do not have your regular PE lessons this week
  2. Ask your Specials teachers when your last class with them is. Remember to thank your Specials teachers for all their hard work when you see them for the last time!
  3. Click HERE for this week’s calendar for special events


Period 1 – Leavers’ Assembly

Founders’ Theater

Period 2 & 3 – Celebration Assembly practice

Founders’ Theater


Period 4 – Magical Mystery tour  ???

We’re off to see the wizard… the wonderful wizard of….

Period 5

Performing Arts


Period 6 – Math

Mr Jones’ problem still needs solving! Are we getting any closer to finding a solution? You will have 30 mins to make sure you have something to talk about to the rest of the group – e.g. where your team is up to; what you have found out so far; what you need to do next; etc….

Period 7 – Math

Mr. Jones’ Problem – Let’s get together and have a board meeting to see where each group is up to.

Period 8 – Specials



Home learning

pack a complete change of clothes for the KG-1 sports day tomorrow!

King Henry VIII – Hans Holbein

How we organize ourselves reflection 2013

Central Idea:
There will be no over-arching central idea for next year’s Exhibition. There will be individual ones.

Focus on the issue AND the teamwork good. What if there was an over-arching CI, which was assessed by the teachers and individual CI for each group that the students assess themselves on. Could be student generated rubrics for this.

Graphic images – not great for the little kids. Watch the appropriateness of them. Cover up images if needed.

Focus was more on money this year instead of advocating. Steer away from this possibly. Be more explicit about what is ok and what is not. Give challenges about how many people they can raise awareness with.

No donation boxes at all, especially on Exhibition day/night.

Skills introduced earlier – cutting and pasting, project where they put a smaller version together.

Researching using the form from the beginning of the year.

Bibliographies taught early.

Turn the research into a formal paper as they are doing it. Therefore they can be assessed and can be given feedback for their project.

ED talks great and speaking clearly.

Presenting having a format – Ryan developed one this year.

Hold the students accountable more for the timelines.

Monday – June 3

Before Schools starts: –

  • Check your e-mail
  • Check your calendar
  • Check your ‘To Do’ list
  • Check your Home learning
  • Back up your computer  (1-5)



  1. Remember – you do not have your regular PE lessons this week
  2. Ask your Specials teachers when your last class with them is. Remember to thank your Specials teachers for all their hard work when you see them for the last time!
  3. Click HERE for this week’s calendar for special events


Period 1- Training for Sports day

Training for Sports Day in Founders’ Theater – led by Mr. Bathgate.

Period 2 – Swim party

5F and 5B Swim party

Period 3 –

  1. FINISH YOUR AUTOBIOGRAPHIES!! I need a printed copy of your work by the end of today. You will keep working on this today until you have finished it.
  2. Everyone else will continue with ‘Mr. Jones’ cereal box problem’.


Period 4 – Specials


Period 5 – See period 3


Period 6 – Specials

Performing Arts

Period 7 – See period 3

Period 8 – See period 3


Home learning

Do a 25 minute physical activity, like a bike ride, skating, roller-blading, jogging, swimming….

Who do you think painted this painting? See if you can find out!