First Person Point of View

Me, Myself, and I- Writing using the first person means that the main character is also the narrator. Using the word “I” is a direct indication that the writer is using the first person narrative. Everything that you know about the story is through his or her eyes.

Watch BrainPOP- Point of View to see more about using the fist person point of view (Beginning-1:35 only)

Benefits: It allows the reader to experience the story and understand the characters feelings.

Downfalls: It is common to begin every sentence with I, I , I, I… Boring

Challenge: take some time to challenge yourself to modify the sentences to begin in different ways.

For example: I glanced at the clock.
My eyes darted to the clock.
The constant ticking drew my glance toward the clock.

Instead of:
I am the happiest today that I have been for ages.
Today I am happy, more than I have been for ages.

Instead of: I leaned down and picked up a perfectly rounded stone.
The stone was perfectly rounded, and I leaned down to pick it up.
Leaning down, I picked up a perfectly rounded stone.

Instead of: I was so hot, and the sweat trickled down my face.
Sweat tricked down my face, because it was so hot.
Sweat trickled down my face.
The heat affected me so much that sweat trickled down my face.

Now you practice modifying a couple of sentences with the person sitting next to you:

  • I stepped out of the taxi and the strong wind blew my hair into my eyes.
  • I went to the market to buy milk with my friend Paul.
  • I opened my report card and I was shocked!

As you are writing your Autobiography think about different ways to structure your sentences to make it more interesting to the reader.


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