Friday – August 31

Before school starts

  1. Check your e-mail
  2. Check your calendar
  3. Check your ‘To Do’ list




Period 1

Catch up time – Check your ‘To Do’ list. Make sure everything is complete and finished.

Period 2

‘Locomotion’ – “Memory”

Period 3

Buddy Class – 1P – helping with iWeb


Period 4

G4 math revision

Period 5

G 4/5 Assembly


Period 6

Tidying/setting up your digital desk

Period 7 & 8

Grafite – Founder’s Theater

Thursday – August 30

Before school starts

  1. Check your e-mail
  2. Check your calendar
  3. Check your ‘To Do’ list



Tonight is Open Night for Parents. Students do not need to come.


Period 1

‘Locomotion’ – Line break poem

We are going to try writing a Line break poem. The topic of the poem should be about how we should treat animals.

Period 2

Story writing – Western Genre vis aid– use the Writing Process

(If you can’t open the link for the Western genre above, try this here.  Western genre pages)

If you have finished your story, and have had it checked by an adult, finish your U.o.I. vocab study.

Period 3

Comprehension – Inner Voice


Period 4

Video Master Class – Perspective

Perspective follow up

Period 5

G4 math revision


Period 6


 Period 7 & 8

ESL / Dutch / Chinese


Home Learning

No Home learning until September 3!






Wednesday – August 29

Before school starts

  1. Check your e-mail
  2. Check your calendar
  3. Check your ‘To Do’ list




Period 1

Story writing – Western Genre vis aid– use the Writing Process

(If you can’t open the link for the Western genre above, try this here.  Western genre pages)

If you have finished your story, please make sure you have finished the writing sample you were supposed to finish last week.

Period 2

Reading passport – Read around the world!

Period 3

G4 math revision


Period 4

Visual Arts

Period 5

Visual Arts


Period 6

‘Locomotion’ – finish the reading tasks (We were just in the Reflection part)

Period 7

Finish ‘Computer Whiz Master class’ inventory     

Period 8

ESL / Dutch / Chinese


Home Learning

No home learning until September 3!


Read Around the World

We are going to begin an exciting reading initiative in Grade 5 on September 1, called ‘Read around the world’.

We are asking you to read books that have something to do with another country. This could be a book specifically written about a country or culture (in the present or in the past), books written by an author from another country, or be a book about someone who lives in another country. This will encourage you to read (most importantly), read a variety of books, to read books from all over the world, and maybe learn a little about other cultures besides your own.

We want you to read both fiction and non-fiction books, and can read books in English, your mother tongue, or another language. As long as understanding takes place, we are all good with that!

To this end, you are being issued with a ‘Global Traveler Passport





After each book you should enter the book information into the pages.

There are 5 pages where titles of books can be entered. If for some reason you should run out of pages, we can always add more, just like in a real passport!

Mr Byrne has begun a list of books available in the ES Sabina Library,

Here is a link to a list of books that Mr. Byrne has very kindly begun to put together for us to set you on your way. Grade 5 Read around the world (These are just fiction books for now).

If the link does not work, copy and paste this address into your browser.

Please encourage each other to read books and fill in your passports! Read ! We will check these passports on a Friday, to see who is the most well traveled! :)

This initiative will end on November 30.

Have fun!



Line Breaks

Lines breaks are a poetry technique used to emphasize different parts of the poem.

Your task:

1. Read “Line Break Poem” from Locomotion

2. Discuss and record the purpose of line breaks with your class.

3. Your teacher will give you cut up copies of “Snow Poem“. With a partner decide where the line breaks should go and glue the pieces to a piece of A4 paper.

4. Share what yours with the class by reading aloud.

5. Your teacher will now share the original Snow Poem.

Tuesday – August 28

Before school starts

  1. Check your e-mail
  2. Check your calendar
  3. Check your ‘To Do’ list




Period 1

G4 math revision

Period 2

Begin reading ‘Locomotion’ by Jacqueline Woodson – class activity

Use the Reading Log Journal to complete the 5F Reading Groups 5 task explanations pictures PICS

Period 3

Story writing – Western Genre vis aid– use the Writing Process

(If you can’t open the link for the Western genre above, try this here.  Western genre pages)


Period 4

PE – Swimming

Period 5

Performing Arts


Period 6

U.o.I. – work on your Unit Vocab Knowledge rating chart.

Period 7

Mr C. is coming in to help us begin to learn about making movies!

Period 8

ESL / Dutch / Chinese


Home Learning

No Home learning till September 3.

Color Poem

Color is not only seen, but it can be thought of through our sense of smell and taste; through texture and sound.

Today you will be choosing and writing about the feel, sound, smell and look of a color. For this poem you will need to use the following verb phrases:

  • feels like
  • looks like
  • sounds like
  • tastes like
  •  smells like

Select a color and describe what it feels like. For example…

  • Yellow feels like the sun
  • Green feels like grass
  • Red feels like love

Once you compare it to something, use questions to include more information: Where? When? Why? Doing what? For example:

  • Yellow feels like the sun on a summer morning, shining, glowing, waking everything up
  • Green feels like grass, fresh cut and cool on the soles of my feet
  • Red feels like love, warm and caring like a hug from my mother

Complete two lines for each of the verb phrases: feels like, looks like, sounds like, tastes like and smells like focusing on one color throughout the poem. Make sure to include similes, metaphors and personification when possible.

Black color poem

Blue raspberry color poem

Unpacking the “How We Express Ourselves” central idea

We are going to discuss the following: –

Central idea: –

Artists seek to evoke an emotional response from their audience.’

Our lines of inquiry will be: –

  • There are different kinds of emotional responses
  • Interpreting messages through a variety of media
  • Techniques that artists use to evoke an emotional response
  • The process artists go through to create their products


In your U.o.I. journal –

Answer these questions, using complete sentences.

  1. What is an emotion?
  2. What is an emotional response?
  3. What do you think interpret means?
  4. What does evoke an emotional response mean?
  5. Make a list of as many emotions you can think of.


















Unit vocab – Knowledge rating scale

Print out a copy of Unit vocab knowledge rating PAGES – HW ExO – copy in Black and White.

Look at each word carefully and fill in the chart as needed.

Once you have done that, you now need to work on the words you did not know.

If there are any gaps in your Knowledge Rating chart, you need to do something about it! Let’s brain storm some idea of what you could do to make sure you are able to fill in the gaps.



Monday – August 27

Before school starts

  1. Check your e-mail
  2. Check your calendar
  3. Check your ‘To Do’ list




Period 1

Spelling test  – words their Way

Period 2

Spelling – Unit words – Knowledge rating chart

Period 3

G4 math revision


Period 4

ESL / Dutch / Chinese

Period 5

Unpacking the central idea

Things to think about: –

What types of art is there?

How do we know we like it?


Period 6

Performing arts (Mrs. Long)

Period 7

Library Checkout

Period 8



Home Learning

No Home learning tonight!… In fact, not till September 3.

Except maybe to talk with your parents about your day! ;-)