The Message of Varmints

var·mint  (värmnt)n. Informal

One that is considered undesirable, obnoxious, or troublesome.

Varmints is a sophisticated picture book written by Helen Ward and illustrated by Marc Craste. He went on to create the powerful short animation film. As we have been studying in class, there are meanings beyond the literal.  Marc Craste has a message that he is trying to convey or tell us about.

After viewing the film Varmints, answer the following questions:

  1. How did the film make you feel? What techniques do you think made you feel this way?
  2. What issue do you think the movie is about? Give examples to support your answer from the film.
  3. What Compass point or points does this movie support? Explain your thinking.
  4. What message does Marc Craste want us to believe? Support your answer with descriptions from the movie.
  5. What is his perspective of this message and the issue of the film? Give reasons why you think this.
  6. How do you think we can help with the issue that is being shown?

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